Monday, May 7, 2012

Final Title sequence animation

After a lot of hard work and many hours put in. This is the final result of my Title sequence animation. I decided to add lots of textures to the entire animation in order to give a more 3 dimensional look. The music that I decided to pick was a Danny Elfman song from Edward Scissorshands. My peers told me that this worked extremely well with the sounds of gears and clanking in the background.

Title Sequence

For this project, we were assigned to do an animation for a movie title sequence. The movie that I decided to do was Edward Scissorhands. At first, I was having a difficult time figuring out what I was going to do for the animation, but after doing some research, I finally came up with some ideas. I wanted to start with a view of a camera scaling up the wall of Edward's Castle. Some of the bricks of the castle will haave names on them. Then I wanted it to go through the window and pan across a series of different gears with the names of more cast members on it them.

Here is the story board that I came up with for my storyboard.


Here are some quick sketches that I did while coming up with my animation. This was to help me to brainstorm some ideas.

2 storyboards

For this project, we had to make a movie title sequence. I decided to do the movie Edward Scissorhands.

We were assigned to make 2 different types of storyboard designs to get an idea of what ours would look like. I had a lot of trouble with this because it was difficult to come up with something unique that I was happy with.